Eat like a local
Eat like a local

Foodie Guide and Recipes

A Local’s Guide to Experiencing Laos Like a True Insider

A Local’s Guide to Experiencing Laos Like a True Insider
Posted By:  Aon SEELAPHONE
Laos is a country rich in history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes. While many travelers stick to the popular tourist attractions, experiencing Laos like a true insider means diving deeper into its traditions, cuisine, and local way of life. Here’s how you can explore Laos beyond the usual tourist trails and uncover the hidden gems only locals know about.

Discover Laos Today ເປີດຕົວໂຄງການທົດລອງ ສົ່ງອາຫານຢູ່ຕົວເມືອງຫລວງພະບາງ, ປະເທດລາວ

Discover Laos Today ເປີດຕົວໂຄງການທົດລອງ ສົ່ງອາຫານຢູ່ຕົວເມືອງຫລວງພະບາງ, ປະເທດລາວ
Posted By:  Benny Kong
Discover Laos Today ມີຄວາມພູມເປີດຕົວໂຄງການໃໝ່ທີ່ສຸດ " Discover Laos Food " (DLF). DLF ສັນຍາວ່າຈະປະຕິວັດອຸດສະຫະກຳການຈັດສົ່ງອາຫານ ແລະ ຈັດສົ່ງສິນຄ້າໃນລາວ ໂດຍການສະເໜີລາຄາທີ່ດີກວ່າ ທັງເຕັກໂນໂລຢີ ແລະ ນະວັດຕະກຳ.

Coffee Fix ເປີດສາຂາໃໝ່ໃນຫຼວງພະບາງ

Coffee Fix ເປີດສາຂາໃໝ່ໃນຫຼວງພະບາງ
Posted By:  David Ormsby

ອາຫານລາວ – ອາຫານເພື່ອສຸຂະພາບ

ອາຫານລາວ – ອາຫານເພື່ອສຸຂະພາບ
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
ວິຖີການກິນຂອງບ້ານເຮົາຍັງຕິດພັນກັບທຳມະຊາດ, ອາຫານທົ່ວທຸກພາກແມ່ນນຳໃຊ້ຜັກຫຼາກຫຼາຍຊະນິດຕາມລະດູການ, ລວມທັງສະໝຸນໄພພື້ນບ້ານ ເອົາມາລວກຈຳ້ແຈ່ວ, ຊຸບຜັກ ຫຼື ກິນສົດກັບລາບໂດຍບໍ່ຜ່ານຄວາມຮ້ອນໃຫ້ເສຍວິຕາມິນ.

Come and join the celebration of Lao coffee / The international coffee days, edition 2020

Come and join the celebration of Lao coffee / The international coffee days, edition 2020
Posted By:  Kim Valakone
Promotion of Lao coffee as a vector of sustainable development Development of coffee domestic consumption and improvement of coffee-related knowledge (coffee culture) among Lao people

Loving Lao Coffee

Loving Lao Coffee
Posted By:  Love Laos
When the French arrived in Laos, many were taken by the laid-back lifestyle available in this land so far from home. And as they settled into this country, they started to explore the possibility of growing coffee on the cool Bolaven Plateau in southern Laos. They were in luck. Volcanic eruptions, long since over, had left fabulous soil behind, just perfect for growing a really good cup of coffee.

Foodie Experiences in Laos

Foodie Experiences in Laos
Posted By:  Love Laos
Laos is a foodie’s paradise, especially for those looking to add an experiential flavour into the mix. Ever had a yearning to milk a buffalo, plant rice in paddy fields or to harvest your own coffee beans while learning and enjoying the fruits of your labour? Then Laos sounds like a place for you!

Ant Egg Salad

Ant Egg Salad
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
We’ve all heard of minced meat salad laab (or its sliced meat equivalent koy), the quintessentially Lao salad dish made by mixing select meats and fresh vegetables tossed in fermented fish sauce and lime. Koy paa (fish salad) and koy ngoua (beef salad) tend to be popular on traditional Lao menus and serve as common introductions to Lao cuisine. But for the most daring taste buds, we recommend the exotic koy khai mot daeng, or weaver ant egg salad.

The Bolaven Plateau: a Coffee Lover’s Paradise

The Bolaven Plateau: a Coffee Lover’s Paradise
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
Pakse is often the starting point for journeys south, because there is easy access to rental cars and organized tours. Pakse is a melting pot of tourists with several cafes and restaurants, while local tour operators in Pakse can arrange trips to the Bolaven Plateau or other attractions in the South.


Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
ຫ່າງອອກຈາກຕົວເມືອງນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ ພຽງແຕ່ 1 ຊົ່ວໂມງເຄິ່ງ ເຮົາກໍ່ຈະໄດ້ພົບກັບ ໂຮງງານຜະລິດເຫຼົ້າທີ່ມີຊື່ວ່າລາວດີເຊິ່ງເປັນ ໂຮງງານຜະລິດເຫຼົ້າຣັມສັນຊາດລາວ. ອີກພຽງ 30 ນາທີ, ພວກເຮົາຈະຮອດທີ່ໝາຍແລ້ວ. ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ມາຮອດ ພໍດີກັນກັບທີ່ເຈົ້າພາບຂອງເຮົາ ນາງ ແອນນາ ສີຈັນທະວົງ ຍ່າງມາພ້ອມກັບຮອຍຍິ້ມແຫ່ງຄວາມປິຕິຍິນດີ ທີ່ຈະພາພວກເຮົາມາທ່ຽວຊົມໂຮງງານໃນຄັ້ງນີ້ເຊິ່ງພວກເຮົາຈະມາຊອກຫາເຄັດລັບທີ່ແສນພິເສດຂອງເຫຼົ້າຣັມຂອງລາວ.

Or laam: a dish fit for a king

Or laam: a dish fit for a king
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
This famous Luang Prabang dish has its origins in the kitchens of the Royal Palace, and it’s still enjoyed in Laos today by all.

A bite on the wild side

A bite on the wild side
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
Europe’s top tables, such as Noma in Copenhagen, have built reputations and garnered Michelin stars on the trend for foraged food and edible insects. But that won’t turn any heads in Laos; such food has always been part of the country’s rich culinary landscape. Intrepid eater Mick Shippen takes a bite on the wild side for Champa Meuanglao.

Northern Soul Food

Northern Soul Food
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
These days, Luang Prabang is better known for French café culture and an increasingly cosmopolitan dining scene than it is for Lao cuisine. But writer and photographer, Mick Shippen is having none of it. When in the languid riverside town, he opts for northern soul food.


Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
Experience a taste of Laos by enjoying the delicious mok pa, spicy or non-spicy, with either steamed or sticky rice.

Earthy – Vientiane’s Organic Market

Earthy – Vientiane’s Organic Market
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
“What on earth is that?” I asked my Lao foster daughter, pointing to a small ovoid green fruit (it could have also been a vegetable) that revealed pallid pink flesh within. “It’s a Lao cucumber” she smiled. “Oh really.” Bending down I grasped one. Holding it under my nose, it did not smell like a cucumber.


Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
“ທາງຮ້ານນໍ້າຊາ ເຮົາຢາກ ໃຫ້ລູກຄ້າໄດ້ກິນອາຫານຄືດັ່ງທີ່ຄອບຄົວເຮົາກິນທຸກມື້” ຄືອຸດົມການຂອງຄອບຄົວ ດວງດາລາ ໃນການສ້າງ The Tea House Luang Prabang ຫຼື ເຮືອນນໍ້າຊາຫຼວງພະບາງ ຂຶ້ນມາ ເພື່ອໃຫ້ບໍລິການອາຫານ ແລະ ເຄື່ອງດື່ມ ໂດຍສະເພາະ ນໍ້າຊາທີ່ມີຄຸນປະໂຫຍດຕໍ່ສຸຂະພາບ ແລະ ປາສະຈາກສານເຄມີຕໍ່ລູກຄ້າທຸກທ່ານ.

The National Dish of Laos

The National Dish of Laos
Posted By:  Champa Meuanglao
Around the world, diners of all stripes have come to know larb as part of the Thai culinary tradition – evidenced most recently by Aunt May’s (portrayed by Marisa Tomei) “I Larb You” Thai restaurant scene in Marvel’s Spiderman Homecoming.

A Spirited Re-Opening

A Spirited Re-Opening
Posted By:  Andrew Mullins
The Spirit House Cocktail Bar & Restaurant is a vibrant lifestyle venue offering innovative craft cocktails, contemporary Asian tapas, Lao-inspired main courses and international comfort food in an authentic yet modern environment. The focus is placed on authenticity; re-telling local tales through the looking glass of modernity. A destination that passionately embraces genuine hospitality and spiritual fusion that are the pillars of regional culture.