As Laos and the rest of the world prepares for the eventual return of tourism, many organisations are looking at how this can be done safely. The responses vary from smaller country based organisations, such as the Skills For Tourism Project working on a Hospitality Hygiene program, to International organisations like the IATA’s proposed vaccine passport program.
One such organisation is the Asian Development Bank, which has created a challenge; Re-establishing Tourism Confidence Through Innovative Digital Solutions. Challengers were asked to submit a pitch for digital solutions that could address up to three criteria:
Keeping travellers updated

Helping travellers plan safe trips

Marketing tourism creatively

Discover Laos Today has been creating solutions to these problems, even before the COVID pandemic. DLT is at the forefront of digital marketing in Laos and is shaping how the local tourism industry can engage with the digital marketplace since its inception. Now the industry faces the added complexities of the pandemic, it was time to tweak our existing solutions to better fit the changing needs.

Discover Laos Today is pleased to announce that they have not only submitted their pitch to the ADB Challenge, but they have been selected as one of the top ten teams to move on to the next round. DLT is extremely proud to be recognised for their innovative solutions and look forward to moving on to the next stage of the challenge!
Our solutions include regular updates on the pandemic in Laos, the ability for government agencies to provide updates through our contributor platform, a filter on our search functions for which companies have implemented COVID Safe practices, and creative marketing solutions for both destinations and businesses. Combined with our existing online ecosystem, we believe that Discover Laos Today will be the one stop destination for travellers planning to visit Laos.

Discover Laos Today is the only team from Laos to be selected for the next stage of the challenge. We are especially proud to be representing Laos on the global stage and hope to highlight Laos, not only as a fantastic destination but also as an innovative leader in the tourism industry.
Our mission is to enable businesses in Laos to realize their full potential with technology, driving innovation and digitization in Laos. The ADB Challenge is one step in that process and we are thrilled to have our work recognised by being selected into the top ten teams.