Phou Khoun is one of the smallest towns you will stop at on the North East Loop, but offers some of the best views. For more information on the North East Loop and getting to Phou Khoun, click HERE.
The town itself is not the most interesting town, but the impressive views more than make up for it. Built around the intersection of Route 13 North and Route 7 the town is often used by locals as a place to transfer between buses. There are a few local guesthouses in town, all of which are inexpensive, basic and clean. There is also a popular local market in the centre of town selling a wide selection of precooked Lao food for bus passengers. This is a great place to grab a cheap meal, but there are also some local restaurants around town as well.

However, just outside of the town itself is where the best attractions are. Heading west out of town on Route 13, you will quickly arrive at Xalakham Phou Khoun Resort. Here you can rent a tent for the night and take in an incredible sunset over the mountains of Kasi district. There is a Buddhist stupa built on top of a hill within the grounds which also offers fantastic panoramic views to the north.
Heading south out of town you will quickly arrive at the Phoukoun Starwberry Farm, another camping resort offering tents and incredible views. And of course they also grow their own strawberries, a great after dinner treat!

Further south you can also find Phou Khoun Viewpoint, offering a fantastic view to the Kasi region to the south. There is no accommodation here, but the views are very impressive.

If you want to stay closer to town you can also visit the local football field which sits just above the local market. The best access is to ride west, past the market, on Route 13 before turning on to the small dirt road on your left, following it up to the soccer field at the top. Here you can take in the sunset views and still be in town once it gets dark.
This small town offers some of the best views in Laos, so make sure you don’t pass it straight through. Go check it out and Discover Laos Today!